We help our customers to make management processes more efficient in terms of cost, time and quality. After selecting the processes to be reviewed, we start with the first stage of mapping the processes, in which we understand each of the activities, the stakeholders involved, monitoring indicators and the systems used. The review of the process revolves around the PCS (Problem-Cause-Solution), in which we identify each of the problems that the process presents (in terms of cost, time or quality) and the root cause of the problem.

Based on these informations, we propose a pragmatic, simple and easy-to-implement solution that presents measurable improvements. The solution could be a review of activities (addition, deletion, replacement, change of assignee, etc.) or a change in support systems. To ensure the efficiencies’ capture, we review the performance indicators used to measure the efficiency of the process (defining the expected goals after the review) and define the action plan with dates and responsible for implementation.

Pragmatis is a management consultancy that supports its clients in increasing profitability and efficiency, translating strategy into results. Our pragmatic approach is based on solutions with fast implementation and high impact, without neglecting technical and analytical accuracy.